I'm back! The last 6 months it was very quit over here. So here is an article what I've been doing for the last 6 months. I hope you like it and for now, (it's summerholiday) I will write more often!
So, what happened over the last 6 months? I will describe each month so eventually you will have an overview.

November was a very busy month. I am studying on an University of Professional Education in the Netherlands. This is an school were they teach you first a lot of facts, history and relationships about you're kind of study. After 2,5 years you are able to apply these facts in business. This means a company has to hire you for about 5 months and in these months you work like a normal employee. Eventually you will know what you are studying for and this is a great opportunity to have a look on the jobs you are able to perform in the future.
While I was working in the company I also have to do some exams. This was a very hard time. I have been working for 32 hours a week, on Friday I had to go to school and just before the Christmas holiday, the exams started! It was also a very nice time, at work I got a huge Christmas present and I was able to take some days off.
In 2013 a hard time was coming. They prepared us about it on school and also in the company where I was working. Every year in the first months there is a lott of work for every client. This means the results of 2012 had to be processed. In January a lot of friends and family had their birthday. So a good balance between work and birthdays was needed!
February is one of my favorite months. It's my birthday on the 17th, and in our country they celebrate a religion time. It is a very old celebration, that is modernized over the years. I took some days off the celebrate and took a present to work to celebrate my birthday on the office. The last days of February there was a huge event going on. That was powered by my office! They asked me to volunteer at this event. Briefly, this event was a international dance competition with the worlds best dancers! I had the best time of my life!
In march the deadline was coming! My internship was about the end in the beginning of April. I had to write different essays about my working time. At school I had to do a presentation which shows what I have been doing all these months. I was working very hard because they reviewed my at the office and this was a big deal on my career at school.
My internship ends. It was a wonderful time and I learned so much! Eventually ( My teacher at school and my boss had to give some marks) I got a 7.7 on a range of 10 for my internship!! The weeks after I was busy with whole other things. I went to a university to look around for other studies. I booked a Hotel for my citytrip to London, I went to parties of my friends, I worked at school at an information evening for new students and so on...
In May a new school period started. I was a bit lazy and did only the thing they asked me to do or the thing that were required. I worked at school with 4 other students on a project about processes in a company, like Sales, Administration etc.
After June started I realised that the exams were almost coming! I took a good catch and worked very hard. The huge pil of schoolwork I combined with a party of a good friend, and a weekend with 5 friends at the Dutch coast.
When the exams started in the end of June, I got a lot of stress. A few personal things weren't going very well. A family member died, an other family member was ill en went to the hospital and I needed to study very hard! In this time, I also got a part-time job at the company I was working with my internship. After the exams I worked at the office. I couldn't believe it, but I passed all the exams! This meant 10 weeks holiday!!
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